Dynamic Module Creation and Publishing on Terraform Registry


The goal of this task is to design, develop, and publish reusable Terraform modules for VPC, EC2, and RDS that can be used across multiple AWS environments. These modules will be published to the Terraform Registry to ensure easy sharing and versioning.

Technologies Used

Task Implementation Steps

Phase 1: Designing Terraform Modules

We will create three separate Terraform modules:

  1. VPC Module
  2. EC2 Module
  3. RDS Module

Each module will be self-contained, reusable, and parameterized.

Phase 2: Implementing the Modules

1. VPC Module



2. EC2 Module



3. RDS Module



Phase 3: Testing and Publishing

1. Version Control & GitHub Setup

2. Terraform Cloud Testing

3. Publishing to Terraform Registry

Commands for Publishing:

  1. Tag and push version
  2. git tag v1.0.0
    git push origin v1.0.0
  3. Verify in Terraform Registry

Phase 4: Usage Example

To use the modules, create a Terraform configuration:

module "vpc" {
  source  = "github.com/user/terraform-aws-vpc"
  vpc_cidr = ""

module "ec2" {
  source      = "github.com/user/terraform-aws-ec2"
  instance_type = "t3.micro"
  vpc_id      = module.vpc.vpc_id

module "rds" {
  source  = "github.com/user/terraform-aws-rds"
  db_name = "mydatabase"
  vpc_id  = module.vpc.vpc_id

Project Deliverables

Next Steps

This end-to-end guide is ready for implementation. Let me know if you need additional details on any step! 🚀