Ansible Tower (AWX) Automation for Enterprise IT Operations


To implement Ansible Tower (AWX) for managing IT infrastructure automation, user role-based access control (RBAC), job templates, and complex workflow automation in an enterprise environment.

Task Implementation Plan

1. Task Scope

2. Infrastructure Setup

2.1 Prerequisites

2.2 Installing Ansible Tower (AWX)

Step 1: Install Required Dependencies

sudo dnf install -y epel-release
sudo dnf install -y git ansible docker docker-compose
sudo systemctl enable --now docker

Step 2: Clone AWX Repository

git clone
cd awx/installer

Step 3: Update Ansible Inventory

Edit the inventory file:

vim inventory



Step4: Deploy AWX

ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml

Verify by accessing http://<AWX_IP>:80.

3. Configuring Ansible Tower (AWX)

3.1 Create User Roles & Permissions

  1. Login to AWX Web UI
  2. Navigate to Access Control → Users
  3. Create Users: DevOps, SysAdmin, Security, Developer
  4. Assign roles:

3.2 Configure Inventories

ansible -i inventory all -m ping

3.3 Create Job Templates

  1. Navigate to Templates → Add
  2. Configure:
  3. Enable survey prompts (for user inputs like environment selection)

Example Playbook (deploy_nginx.yml)

- name: Deploy Nginx on Servers
  hosts: web_servers
  become: true
    - name: Install Nginx
        name: nginx
        state: present
    - name: Start and Enable Nginx
        name: nginx
        state: started
        enabled: yes

4. Workflow Automation

4.1 Create a Workflow Template

  1. Go to Workflows → Add Workflow
  2. Define job sequence:

4.2 Example Terraform Playbook

- name: Create EC2 Instance using Terraform
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Apply Terraform Configuration
      command: terraform apply -auto-approve

5. Integrations

5.1 GitHub Integration for CI/CD

5.2 Jenkins Integration

5.3 Slack & Email Notifications

  1. Go to Notifications → Add
  2. Select Slack
  3. Add Webhook URL:
  4. {
      "channel": "#alerts",
      "username": "AWX Bot",
      "text": "Job {{ }} completed successfully!"

6. Security & Compliance

7. Testing & Monitoring

7.1 Run Sample Jobs

ansible -i inventory all -m ping

7.2 Monitor Execution in AWX Dashboard

  1. Track job runs, failures, logs
  2. Enable auto-retry on failures

8. Deployment & Maintenance

8.1 Deploy AWX in Production

8.2 Routine Maintenance

9. Expected Outcomes

Future Enhancements