Ansible Tower (AWX) Automation for Enterprise IT Operations
To implement Ansible Tower (AWX) for managing IT infrastructure automation, user role-based access control (RBAC), job templates, and complex workflow automation in an enterprise environment.
Task Implementation Plan
1. Task Scope
- Deploy AWX/Ansible Tower on a dedicated server.
- Automate IT operations, CI/CD, infrastructure provisioning, and compliance.
- Implement RBAC for different teams.
- Configure job templates for automation tasks.
- Integrate with external services (e.g., GitHub, Jenkins, AWS).
- Schedule automated execution and notifications.
2. Infrastructure Setup
2.1 Prerequisites
- Operating System: RHEL 8, CentOS 8, Ubuntu 20.04, or Amazon Linux 2
- Hardware Requirements:
- CPU: 4 vCPUs
- RAM: 8GB+
- Storage: 50GB+
- Software Requirements:
- Python 3.8+
- PostgreSQL (for AWX)
- Docker & Docker Compose (if using AWX)
- Ansible (latest version)
2.2 Installing Ansible Tower (AWX)
Step 1: Install Required Dependencies
sudo dnf install -y epel-release
sudo dnf install -y git ansible docker docker-compose
sudo systemctl enable --now docker
Step 2: Clone AWX Repository
git clone
cd awx/installer
Step 3: Update Ansible Inventory
Edit the inventory file:
vim inventory
Step4: Deploy AWX
ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml
Verify by accessing http://<AWX_IP>:80.
3. Configuring Ansible Tower (AWX)
3.1 Create User Roles & Permissions
- Login to AWX Web UI
- Navigate to Access Control → Users
- Create Users: DevOps, SysAdmin, Security, Developer
- Assign roles:
- Superuser: Full access
- Auditor: Read-only
- Admin: Manage users, jobs, and inventories
- Execute Only: Run jobs without modification
3.2 Configure Inventories
- Go to Inventories → Add Inventory
- Add hosts manually or via Dynamic Inventory (AWS, Azure)
- Test connectivity:
ansible -i inventory all -m ping
3.3 Create Job Templates
- Navigate to Templates → Add
- Configure:
- Name: Deploy Nginx
- Inventory: Production
- Playbook: deploy_nginx.yml
- Credentials: SSH key-based authentication
- Enable survey prompts (for user inputs like environment selection)
Example Playbook (deploy_nginx.yml)
- name: Deploy Nginx on Servers
hosts: web_servers
become: true
- name: Install Nginx
name: nginx
state: present
- name: Start and Enable Nginx
name: nginx
state: started
enabled: yes
4. Workflow Automation
4.1 Create a Workflow Template
- Go to Workflows → Add Workflow
- Define job sequence:
- Step 1: Provision EC2 instances (Terraform)
- Step 2: Deploy application (Ansible)
- Step 3: Perform health checks
- Step 4: Notify teams via Slack
4.2 Example Terraform Playbook
- name: Create EC2 Instance using Terraform
hosts: localhost
- name: Apply Terraform Configuration
command: terraform apply -auto-approve
5. Integrations
5.1 GitHub Integration for CI/CD
- Go to Settings → Credentials → Add Credential
- Choose GitHub Token
- Add repository for playbook management
5.2 Jenkins Integration
- Configure Jenkins Pipeline to trigger Ansible jobs
- Use API token to execute AWX jobs
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer "
5.3 Slack & Email Notifications
- Go to Notifications → Add
- Select Slack
- Add Webhook URL:
"channel": "#alerts",
"username": "AWX Bot",
"text": "Job {{ }} completed successfully!"
6. Security & Compliance
- Enable LDAP Authentication for user management
- Implement RBAC to restrict sensitive playbooks
- Enable Logging & Auditing via Splunk/ELK
- Schedule Compliance Checks with Ansible security playbooks
7. Testing & Monitoring
7.1 Run Sample Jobs
ansible -i inventory all -m ping
7.2 Monitor Execution in AWX Dashboard
- Track job runs, failures, logs
- Enable auto-retry on failures
8. Deployment & Maintenance
8.1 Deploy AWX in Production
- Run jobs in staging before production
- Use Blue-Green deployment strategy
- Automate backup and recovery for PostgreSQL DB
8.2 Routine Maintenance
- Patch AWX regularly
- Rotate SSH keys for security
- Review RBAC roles every quarter
9. Expected Outcomes
- Centralized automation with Ansible Tower
- Secure access control and compliance enforcement
- Workflow automation for infrastructure provisioning
- CI/CD integration with Jenkins & GitHub
- Enhanced monitoring and logging for jobs
Future Enhancements
- Deploy Kubernetes workloads using AWX
- Implement Ansible Vault for secrets management
- Automate AWS, Azure, GCP infrastructure provisioning